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Global engagement and international matters

Global engagement is a natural and necessary element for Lund University in its efforts to continue developing as a leading international University – a University that today has extensive international collaborations within research, education and external engagement. At the same time, the increasing polarisation and uncertainty in the world sets considerable requirements for global engagement to - 2025-03-13

Digital usage

Lund University communicates and presents itself in many different contexts to reach a number of different target groups. In order to present a clear and uniform image of the University, it is important that our graphic profile is used consistently, regardless of the chosen communication channel. On the pages indicated below, you can find information and tips about using the graphic profile in dig - 2025-03-13

Social media

Support and advice for those who use, or are thinking of using, social media in their work. Page shortcuts:Why use social mediaGetting started with your channelImages and filmInspiration, guides and trendsLund University on social mediaYou are welcome to contact your local communications officer to discuss whether and, if so, how you could use social media in your activities.Contact a communicatio - 2025-03-13

Tips on the different channels

Here you will find links to news sites, tips and guides for some of the largest channels in social media. Page shortcuts:FacebookInstagramLinkedInXYouTubeSnapchatImage sizesMany social media channels frequently change their recommended sizes for e.g. profile pictures, cover photos and feed images. Here you will find a guide updated in 2024:Guide on social media image sizes through meltwater.comFac - 2025-03-13

Account description, name and profile picture

To clarify Lund University’s social media presence it is important that LU is clearly indicated in names, images and presentation text. Page shortcuts:Profile picturesNameAccount description/presentation text/biographyProfile picturesAs a general rule, the University’s two-line logo, in Swedish or English, is recommended as the profile picture for accounts run by organisations within Lund Universi - 2025-03-13

Public authorities on social media

As a public authority, we are obliged to monitor our social media channels, clarify the sender, and address incoming questions and comments without unnecessary delay. Page shortcuts:Public authority responsibility also applies on social mediaPreservation and disposalClosing an accountYou are welcome to contact your local communications officer to discuss whether and, if so, how you could use socia - 2025-03-13

Addressing comments

Social media is primarily about interaction and engagement. The very purpose of these channels are the comments, questions and dialogue, and we welcome both positive and critical responses. Here you will find advice and support on how to address incoming comments and questions. When it comes to questions directed to Lund University through our social media channels, you should generally consider t - 2025-03-13

Evaluation and intelligence

Following up on and developing our social media work requires continuous evaluation. Evaluating is important to get a picture of what works. It can also give you valuable information about whether the target group has changed or the channel itself has evolved. Analysis Most social media provide their own statistics tools to collect data and analyse how the work through the channel is going, which - 2025-03-13


Here you will find information about approving invoices, travel expense reports, etc. as well as instructions. Read more about approval in Lupin and PrimulaRead more about delegating approval rights during annual leave or other extended absenceApproval plan – template and instructions (XLS 30 kB, new tab) (in Swedish)Approval plan – instructions for revision (PDF 75 kB, new tab) (in Swedish)Defini - 2025-03-13

Approval in Lupin and Primula

On this page, you will find information about the different approval processes in Lupin and Primula. The approval processes below are also summarised in a table:Approval processes and forms (PDF 264 kB, new tab)The text below refers to the following policy documents:Approval rules – regulations regarding the right to allocate public authority funds I 2020 I (PDF 240 kB, new tab)Rules on the alloca - 2025-03-13

Delegation of approval rights during annual leave and absence

In case of annual leave or other extended absence, you should delegate your approval rights to someone else. Here you will find information on what to do. Before annual leave, business trips or similarLupinIn case of long absence, you should delegate your approval rights in Lupin, to avoid unnecessary delay of invoices and orders. In Lupin, you can delegate your approval rights to a substitute off - 2025-03-13

Salary exchange

On this page you can read more about salary exchange. Content on this page:Who can obtain a salary exchange?What is salary exchange?Who can obtain a salary exchange at Lund University?Changing the salary exchange amountTermination or cessation of the salary exchange agreementAdvice and further informationWho can obtain a salary exchange at Lund University?In accordance with the central collective - 2025-03-13

International Impact Actions

International Impact Actions to stimulate and support activities that enhance our international impact in research, education, innovation and collaboration are part of the University’s work with Global Dynamic Engagement (GDE). Employees at Lund University can apply for funding to develop international collaborations and participate in activities that align with the priorities of GDE. Information - 2025-03-13

Global Sustainable Engagement

Global Sustainable Engagement (GSE) is a self-evident and essential part of Lund University’s activities. It helps to create the conditions for societal development and innovation, and for education and research. The global Covid-19 pandemic has changed how internationalisation is conducted, with changing patterns in student and staff mobility, such as the use of digital tools for education and me - 2025-03-13

Global Dynamic Engagement

Global Dynamic Engagement (GDE) further develops previous strategic work on internationalisation and builds on existing collaborations at the University. The work is based on continuous analysis of the world around us. Using this as a starting point, the University produces documentation each year in the form of a framework for the geographical areas where we are engaged, as well as roadmaps outli - 2025-03-13

Funding collaborations and mobility

As an employee of Lund University, you have many opportunities to receive funding from different programmes if you work, or plan to work, abroad.  Funding collaborationsHere you will find brief descriptions about established programmes that offer various forms of project funding.Erasmus+ collaborative programmesNordplusSeed money for course and programme developmentSTINT Strategic Grants for Inter - 2025-03-13

Erasmus+ mobility programmes

Fund teaching and professional development in Europe For employees at Lund University planning to teach or develop professional skills in Europe, there are funding opportunities within the framework of Erasmus+, the EU's education programme. Teaching or teaching in combination with professional skills developmentRead more about Erasmus+ teaching staff mobilityJob shadowing, observation periods, tr - 2025-03-13

Contact officers

Who does what? The International Office works to create conditions for internationalisation of students and employees at the University. Their mission is also to communicate the University’s range of courses and programmes and opportunities internationally. International Office – External RelationsInternational Marketing and RecruitmentStrategic Partnerships, Networks & Staff MobilityStudent Exper - 2025-03-13

Erasmus+ collaborative programmes

Funding partnerships Erasmus+ is the EU programme for collaboration within higher education for the period 2021-2027.  The general objective of the Programme is to support, through lifelong learning, the educational, professional and personal development of people in education and training in Europe and beyond, thereby contributing to sustainable growth, quality jobs and social cohesion, to drivin - 2025-03-13


Lund University has long had an extensive collaboration with Australia and New Zealand in research and education and through its membership in the Universitas 21 network. The university has student exchange agreements with Australian and New Zealand universities, both at university-wide level and at faculty level. Global Dynamic Engagement (GDE) is an approach on which Lund University bases its wo - 2025-03-13